The RecyBEM system enables the members of the Vereniging Band en Milieu (Dutch tyre association) to implement the legal obligations arising from the decree on end of life tyres as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Consumers return their old tyres at zero cost to the retailer where by purchase their new tyres of or at their municipality. Consumers can return old tyres at about twelve thousand retailers free of charge.
Producers (tyre manufacturers and importers) bring new tyres into the Dutch market. Members of the Verening Band en Milieu pay the Stichting Fonds Band en Milieu a contribution for each tyre which they bring into the Dutch market.
RecyBEM-certified collection companies collect used tyres from the aftermarket at zero cost at retailers and local authority environmental depots. The tyres are sorted to extract reusable tyres at the collection company’s premises.
Twenty to thirty percent of the tyres collected are tyres with value. The remaining tyres are scrap. The tyres with value are given a new lease of life by being reused as tyres, second-hand tyres or retreaded. The scrap tyres are processed in various applications. Between sixty and seventy percent of the end of life tyres are given a new lease of life as raw materials following processing by RecyBEM-certified recyclers. Rubber granulate is used in a range of applications such as playground fl ooring and cattle matting. The remaining scrap tyres have an alternative purpose or are used as fuel in cement furnaces and power generation plants.
RecyBEM carries out inspections in the entire tyre chain. Annualy we report the Ministry of Environment (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu) on our collection and prossesing results. Quality is our priority. In order to guarantee the quality standards of our partners within the chain and our own organisation, we are all ISO-certified. RecyBEM only collaborates with certified collection companies and recyclers to ensure our quality.
Here is shown how RecyBEM’s collection and processing system works.