
Collection from garages and other retailers in the tyre industry

Thanks to the Dutch legislation on end of life tyres a consumers can return their old tyres to the retailer at zero cost. Retailers collect used tyres in cages or containers. RecyBEM certified collection companies collect used car tyres in at over 12,000 retailers.

Registration requirements

Retailers have administrative obligations under the Dutch legislation on end of life tyres (Besluit beheer autobanden), as well as under the Environmental Management Act:

  • number of received used tyres of customers;
  • delivery of used tyres to collectors;
  • purchase and sales administration of new tyres;
  • other tyres that have an influence on the tyre balance.

The disposer must ensure that the number of new tyres purchased is in balance with the number collected used tyres. This balance is called by RecyBEM the 'old-for-new-balance’.

Audits to check the old-for-new-balance

RecyBEM is responsible for the collection of car tyres on the Dutch aftermarket. Based on the data in the administration RecyBEM checks if retailers are complying with the obligations under Dutch legislation on end of life tyres (Besluit beheer autobanden) and whether the old-for-new-balance is in equilibrium. Maatschap Remmerswaal performs administrative checks on behalf of RecyBEM. Annually we check about 800 to 1000 retailers. We conduct audits at random at garages, dealers of car accessories, car service companies, tyre specialists. During these visits, the main responsibility of the Dutch legislation on end of life tyres, conducting a proper and orderly (tyre) administration, is assessed.

The disposer has the obligation to register the number of received used tyres from custumors. Part of the registration is the RecyBEM-accompanying bill. It is important that the disposer monitors the number of collected tyres by the collector. The RecyBEM-accompanying bill must be signed for the correct number of collected tyres. In addition, the retailer must be able to demonstrate that the number of newly bought tyres is in balance with the number collected and discarded used tyres by the collection company. New tyres that are sold to other companies for which no used tyres are taken should be recorded separately. To retrieve other types of tyres, other than passenger car tyres and light truck tyres (up to 3,500 kg), the collector charges a fee.

Most audits have a final rating of 'positive'. That means that most retailers have a good (tyre) administration. They perform an orderly and proper tyre administration and old-for-new-balance is in equilibrium. RecyBEM continues to perform random audits at disposers to check the old-for-new-balance in order to determine whether the companies adhere to the legislation on end of life tyres. At the same time we assess and evaluate the functioning of the collection system. RecyBEM askes retailers to cooperate in these visits in order to achieve a better functioning collective collection organization in the future.